Finding Myself

I see now why so many newly graduated high school students go away for college. It really is a chance to find yourself. It's a chance to experience things you would never experience in your own comfort zone. I think God knew that. No matter how much I fought moving here, it really was the best thing for me. I lived near two universities and a community college, and of course none of them offered anything ASL related other than a couple of classes. I think God wanted me out of my comfort zone, out of everything familiar to show me life beyond the Eastern Shore.

I absolutely LOVE the Eastern Shore, and there is no better feeling than when I cross that Bay Bridge. I probably would not have moved unless God had intervened and specifically said, "Go to Baltimore." Which is essentially what happened. I wasn't happy with where I was in life, and God knew that. I have learned a lot being on my own. There are some things that I wish I wouldn't have to experience, such as disposing of a mouse or sitting in traffic because of a fender bender, but God can use anything to show you something that you will need to get through life. Some things we go through may seem trivial or insignificant but in the future when something bigger happens, we can recall and say, " Hey, I know exactly what I need to do to get through this."

Could I have 'found myself' if I stayed in Crisfield? Probably, but I don't think it would be nearly as meaningful. Nor do I think it would have mattered much. Finding yourself is also a journey. A journey that only you can take. I think it is good to experience something that will make you a better person. It could be anything; You can volunteer and help someone who is worse off than you, you can clean your parents or grandparents house to show how much you appreciate them, you can do anything that will open your eyes to a new outlook on things. I believe that is why I am here; here to learn about my faults and learn how to excel in things I never thought I could before - like college. I never thought I would be or could be good
in school, but I am. If you feel like you are stuck in a rutt and you feel like you need a change, the advice I have is, do something. Do anything, even if you think you will suck at it because you will never know unless you try it.


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