The College Life

Now that you know how got here to Baltimore, I will say a little about my life as a college student. Being a student in my 30's has it's own challenges. For instance, due to the economy and always having to wait for my student loans, I decided to look for some scholarships this semester. Yeah, right. Unless you are 18, finding scholarships is practically impossible. Thus, my reasons for always doing the student loans.

When I decided to go to college, I absolutely had to not think in terms of how much I owe or will owe when I graduate. If you are thinking about going to school or going back to school, make short term goals.  It was mandatory that I took this class that helps new students adjust to being in college. I thought this was a dumb class for me because I was 27 and I had life experience, work experience, and I thought I knew about time management. Well, it turns out that I did learn something. I learned that it is important to make short term, mid term and long term goals.

Since I am a daydreamer, I have always thought ahead to the end product versus the plan to get to the end. This class taught me how to do that. So, I look at things based on semesters. You have the fall semester, the spring semester and then the summer. I start classes usually the last week in August. So, I have from September to December to complete tasks I set for myself. Those tasks fall into my short term category. I don't really make mid term goals because in my mind they are too far away for me to complete. I have to take this process one step at a time to reach my long term goal of graduation. It all sounds pretty rudimentary, but for me it was a big eye opener.

Even back in high school, I wasn't a terrible student, but I wasn't a great student either. I did what was necessary to graduate. When I started college I started with the same thought process. Do what needs to be done to graduate, nothing more or nothing less. Bad idea. Because of this thinking, I wasn't really interested in getting A's or putting in the work to make myself a great student. My grades were nothing to put on the fridge or brag about. I just wanted to finish school and graduate. However, I came to a point where I was really frustrated. I wanted to give up and just quit. I'm glad there was this badgering inside of me that made me keep going. I finally had to realize that college is work. Not just homework or studying for exams, it was a life. Life is work and in order to have a great life sometimes you need to suffer or suck it up and get your hands dirty. College is the same. You can't get good grades if you don't make time to retain what you have been taught. And with ASL it is that much more important to learn and be active in what you are learning, because if you don't use it you will lose it.

I think it is now safe to say that I love going to college. I love learning new things and then being able to use what I've learned. I still hate exams but what college student enjoys the pressure of a test. I love going to my classes and meeting new people. College life is great. I am now a straight A student and I made the Dean's List. Everything in life is a process. It's true that you live and you learn. My advice to anyone thinking about going to college no matter what the age, is go! Go to college, and learn something. It isn't about the diploma as much as it is about the journey you take to get there. The things you learn only make you a better person I am slowly finding out things about myself that I don't think I would learn or could learn anywhere else. So Go! Right now, you do have what it takes to be a college student and you deserve it. You deserve the best live posssible.


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