That's Amazing!

I was thinking about skipping a post tonight because I couldn't really think of anything to talk about. My life and stories usually become more interesting when school starts. Since it's still summer, things tend to slow down. However, I thought of something that I think is a good topic.

I was listening to the radio on my way home today and their topic was about things that you have experienced that was totally amazing. Many callers told about things that was simply amazing, but one story in particular stuck out to me. A mother called and was talking about her daughter who is legally blind and she played softball from about 5 years old until this year at 12 and this coming school year she plans to join the track team. The radio personality asked, "How does she do that?" The mother replied, "I honestly don't know. When she decides to do something, she does it. Nothing stops her." Of course by now, my eyes were welling up and I was thinking that's amazing!

I began thinking what is amazing in my life. What experience can make me say, "That was totally amazing!" Well, when I look back over my life so far I think my whole 30 years have been pretty amazing. To make a more specific selection, I really had to think. I began thinking about that period of time before I moved here. I had a little over a month to find a job, an apartment, money to pay for school, get accepted and registered for my classes, and buy books....oh, and move. Just thinking about it now still overwhelms me because that is a lot to do all at once and in 4 - 5weeks. But in that 4 - 5 weeks everything fell into place. In retrospect, it almost seems effortless and that amazes me.

So my question to you is, what experience has amazed you? You stand back and think about all that happened and it makes you say, "That's Amazing!" I'm sure you can find something. If you can't then stop reading this blog, turn off the computer and go find something that is amazing. You will be a better person for it.


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