The Challenge

Like I said before, I grew up in a small town. However, that didn't mean that I didn't have big dreams for myself. I am a self proclaimed daydreamer. Which probably explains a lot of my procrastination tendoncies. All throughout elementary and high school I would just daydream. Daydream about graduation, going to college (I liked the idea of college, but not the work), getting married, having a family, etc. I couldn't wait to grow up and start my life. I thought when I turned 18 my life was going to take me places, but I quickly found out it didn't. As much as I loved Crisfield, the town wasn't exactly abounding in job opportunities.

I tried college for two whole semesters in 2000, but I wasn't exactly "college material" at the time. I was young, nieve, and wasn't ready to commit to a career in higher education. Fast forward to 2006-2007, I was totally miserable. I was experiencing burn out of the utmost proportions. I was working with kids what felt like 24/7 and I was tired. I needed a change - and fast.

I decided in the winter/spring of 2007 that I would take a class at the community college. It was a non credit, life enrichment beginner American Sign Language class. I had always been intrigued by ASL, but I never knew anyone Deaf. That first night in class I was so excited. It was like a breath of fresh air. It was fun and I didn't have to put anyone in time out. The intrige and fascination for the language rapidly grew into a passion. My teacher, who was also an interpreter, took me under her wing. She encouraged me to pursue a career in interpreting. She told me of a college that actually teaches you ASL and teaches you how to be an interpreter. For the first time, I could actually see myself going to college and having an actual career.

I researched the Community College of Baltimore County and if the title wasn't a dead give away, the fact that it is in Baltimore sure did. My excitement quickly turned to disappointment. I was not about to go to college in Baltimore. I was comfortable in my small quiet town. However, I kept researching apartments, jobs, and financial aid. After weeks of debating with myself not to mention praying a lot about it I decided to move to Baltimore. Once I came to this conclusion, I said to God, "God if you want me to do this, you have to work all of this out because I don't know anything about Baltimore." This was the end of June and by the time classes started the last week in August, I had a job, an apartment, and money for school.

I am a firm beleiver that if you trust God with your life no matter how uncertain things may be, God always works it out and to our benefit. I accepted the challenge God set before me. Well, at least I thought moving to Baltimore was the challenge but in retrospect moving was just the pre-challenge...


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