Everyday is a New Day

I think some people think it may be too late for them to make a change that will make their lives better. Or, they are afraid of what that change will make them realize about themselves. Change doesn't always have to be a bad thing; it can actually be quite refreshing. It doesn't matter what things you may have done in the past. You may have regrets, but those regrets do not have to dictate your future. I know that it is easier said than done, but it isn't impossible. Every day is a new day to start over. It is a chance for you to wake up and say, "Hey, I will do______ this today." Or, "Hey, I am making a decision right here, right now not to do___________."

Do you realize that you do have a choice to decide that you can have a great life? Do you realize that the more you let your past regrets control you the less you will be happy? Happiness is a choice, not a feeling. Will everyday be like cupcakes and rainbows? No. However, how you deal with life's hiccups and frustrations can determine how the rest of your day will go. I think happiness and your attitude have a lot to do with each other. If your day sucks, then so will your attitude. But if you choose that no matter what comes your way you will have a good attitude, you are also choosing to be happy. Not every day will be happy. Not everything will be easy, but it's your choice to not let it get to you.

I want to say to those who think they don't have what it takes to start over, who think their past has to determine what kind of life they live, that it is a choice... your choice to take the day that you are given and do some spectacular with your life. Get off your rump, get out of the house, get in your car and do something that matters. Stop making excuses for this and that and choose to be happy. Choose right now to have a good attitude about life and this day that you are given. You are created with a purpose and you matter in this world. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. There is only one YOU and you deserve the best. If you mess up, well there is always tomorrow...and the next day... and the following day. There can never be a more beautiful you, so go out there and make a choice to be happy and live the life that you were always meant to live.


  1. Leigh

    I agree with your point of view. I have had difficult lives in the past and I made a decision not to let it ruin my future. I am now working hard to have a better future and a better life.


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