Wipe Out!

Have you ever seen that show Wipeout? That show is funny. My mom would say it is dumb, but it's hard not to laugh at these people going through the different obstacle courses.  The contestants have multiple chances to go through the obstacles and try to beat out their opponents to be the winner.

I got thinking about life and how many times we may wipeout before we get things right. Some things come easy for us and some things take time. Thankfully, life isn't like Wipeout. There are no competitions or timers to try to beat others to the finish. Life is a process and just because we mess up on certain points doesn't mean we will get disqualified or that someone else will win.

When I moved here, I thought 2 years. Get in, get out and move back to Crisfield. LOL Yeah, right. 4 years later and I am still here. There have been a lot of bumpy roads and many stumbling blocks. I am so glad I didn't give up, even though I wanted to so many times.
I came close to calling it quits and moving back to where I thought I belonged. If I had done that, where would I be? Probably just as miserable as I was before I ever moved here.

Sometimes we have to wipeout one, twice, or maybe a thousand times before we get it right. The key is to perservere. Don't give up. Don't look at your circumstances as a road block. I had to take ASL4, three times before I passed. It was extremely frustrating and I began to question whether or not I should be studying another language. By the time I reached the third time, I came to this conclusion; I am going to pass this class even if I have to take it 100 times. I was determined. I hired a tutor and I buckled down and practiced and practiced. Third time was a charm because I got A's from that moment on.

I learned something from that experience. I needed to slow down, take my time and figure out some way to enjoy this ride. Once I realized that, school literally has been so much easier. Now, I am a straight A student. If only I learned this from day one, but I didn't. Wipeouts aren't always fun nor are they easy. Sometimes we try to rush through life and forget the journey that we are on. The wipeouts are designed to slow us down to make us realize just how fragile life is. If we try to make life the same as a fast food drive through, like a "grab n go" then we will never experience all the good that life has to offer. I would even venture to say that I mostly enjoy living here. Living on my own is fun, challenging, and new every day, but had I tried to rush my experience I don't think I would be enjoying much of anything.

So to sum it up, don't worry about the wipeouts in your life because they could be the key to finding what you have been looking for.


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