Pressing On...

It was the longest drive home tonight. This semester has been the toughest in my academic career. It's weird though. Even with the death of my nephew and as hard as that has been, this semester,academically, has been twice as hard. If that is possible. Last semester, I was on top of my game. I had straight A's, made the Dean's List, and had an article published. This one, I am struggling and I feel like I am barely keeping my head above water. I will be happy to just pass these classes.

Sometimes we question ourselves. We wonder if what we are doing is the right thing. When we make a decision in our lives that decision can have a lasting effect on us. I have no doubt that I should be here going to school. However, I didn't anticipate being here for four years. I didn't anticipate it being this hard. And I certainly didn't anticipate how I would feel in the process.

The title of my blog is called, The Journey. It's not about the destination, but the journey we take to get there. I want that diploma. Yet, it will be the blood, sweat, and tears that gets me there. That will be what makes the moment I walk across the stage so worth it. I know I can't give up. It's days like today that I REALLY want to, but where will that get me? What will I accomplish by quitting because I think it's too hard? There is a Bible verse that comes to mind. It is in Philippians (one of my FAVORITE books in the Bible) 3:14. It says. I press on toward the goal to win the prize which God has called me...

I like Philippians because it is so simple. It basically talks about how when people run a race that the goal is to finish. Not necessarily win, but complete what you start. It will be tough. You will want to quit. But keep going. No matter what keep going til you reach the end.

If you have ever seen that movie, Facing the Giants, there is a scene where the lazy football captain carries one of his teammates on his back across the entire length of the field. He wanted to quit. He kept saying how hard it was and how he couldn't go any further, but the coach says just a little farther, you can do it. Your team needs you. Then, he collapsed and said I can't go on. The coach said, "Look where you are. You are in the endzone."

We are so much more capable than we ever give ourselves credit for. We need to believe in ourselves that we can accomplish the very thing we set out to do. We also need to believe that God is there just like a coach telling us, "Just a little farther. You can do it." Quitting will not solve anything. It won't help you in any way. If there is something you want in life, sitting on facebook will not get you there. Be active, and proactive.

I will not quit. It is hard, but no one said it would be easy. For goodness sake if it takes me 10 years to get this degree, then it will just have to take 10 years (but please dear Lord, I hope it doesn't). I will press on toward the goal to win that prize. I hope you will too.


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