Are you in control of your emotions?

Have you ever seen the movie "Julie and Julia?"  Julie decides to cook everything in Julia Childs' cookbook and blog (or blob as my mom says) about it. When she is about half way through she has to cook something that was the toughest thing to cook. She attemped this reciepe many times and failing. I remember the one failed attempt resulted in her on her kitchen floor balling her eyes out in a complete meltdown. Funny as it was, recently I had my own meltdown.

I will admit, living on my own is tough; it's tougher when your college fails to process your loan application so you don't have any money to pay any of your bills. Before that, I went to the leasing office to ask to check my old mailbox in which I was certain that my school check was in. After they initially told me "no," I preceded to get in my car and cry like a baby. Believe me I am just as shocked as you are. I have not shed one tear since my nephew passed away back in March of this year. I was partially mad at myself that I was crying over something so stupid and trivial and yet could not cry for my nephew. Anyway, that is a different story.

So when I got home I was determined to get into my old mailbox. I had searched for a bobbypin and was quite willing to commit a federal offense for the check that I swore was in there. God must have seen my plight and not 2 minutes after I got into my apartment, the leasing office called and they sent someone over to open the mailbox. Much to my demise, my check wasn't in there. That prompted a call to my financial aid office and her reply was, "Well, I just processed your loan and I will place it on the loan officers desk for him to review. It will still be another 2 weeks before you will see a check."

My rent was due in less than two days - all $750 of it. All my other bills are due in the beginning of the month also. Yep, meltdown. I had a complete and total meltdown. I truly thank God for such wonderful parents who were able to pull out an entire months worth of money for my bills out of thin air. I honestly don't know what I would have done.

I said all that to say sometimes our emotions get the better of us. Just like Julie when she was making that receipe and ended up on the floor crying her eyes out, its easy to lose sight of what needs to be done. I know God will take care of me. He always has and he continues to show me his love and faithfulness. Even still, at that moment I felt like my world was crashing in and I was uncertain about everything. If we let our emotions control us then we cannot think objectively and clearly. We need to set our emotions aside so that we can make sound decisions. Yeah, that's easier said than done, but it isn't impossible. Joyce Meyer wrote in her new book, "-“Living Beyond Your Feelings,” that "We let emotions confuse us, and that often leads us to make decisions we later regret.”

I'm going to try my hardest to remember that emotions isn't the most stable platform to stand on. Emotions flucuate and are very unreliable. It's only in God that I can truly make sound decisions and look at situations with a clear mind.


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