
Showing posts from October, 2011

Pressing On...

It was the longest drive home tonight. This semester has been the toughest in my academic career. It's weird though. Even with the death of my nephew and as hard as that has been, this semester,academically, has been twice as hard. If that is possible. Last semester, I was on top of my game. I had straight A's, made the Dean's List, and had an article published. This one, I am struggling and I feel like I am barely keeping my head above water. I will be happy to just pass these classes. Sometimes we question ourselves. We wonder if what we are doing is the right thing. When we make a decision in our lives that decision can have a lasting effect on us. I have no doubt that I should be here going to school. However, I didn't anticipate being here for four years. I didn't anticipate it being this hard. And I certainly didn't anticipate how I would feel in the process. The title of my blog is called, The Journey. It's not about the destination, but the journ...

How Satisfied Are You?

It's funny. When I chose to take a movie history class I didn't expect to be challenged the way I have been. We are only half way through the semester and I thoroughly enjoy this class. My professor, Dr. O, is a great teacher that really makes me think. Of course this class is about movies, but I guess I see it in a much different light. Last week, he gave us a quote from a former teacher of his: "If you are satisfied with this, then you will never amount to anything." WHOA! Pretty deep for movie class. However, that statement struck me like a ton of bricks. We should never be satisfied with ourselves or our lives. We should always be striving to make ourselves better. Whether it be going back to school, committing to be healthy, volunteering, or striving to be a better parent or spouse. There is absolutely no reason to stay in the exact same place for the rest of your life doing the same exact thing. If you are, then my speculation is that you are not happy or sa...

Are you in control of your emotions?

Have you ever seen the movie "Julie and Julia?"  Julie decides to cook everything in Julia Childs' cookbook and blog (or blob as my mom says) about it. When she is about half way through she has to cook something that was the toughest thing to cook. She attemped this reciepe many times and failing. I remember the one failed attempt resulted in her on her kitchen floor balling her eyes out in a complete meltdown. Funny as it was, recently I had my own meltdown. I will admit, living on my own is tough; it's tougher when your college fails to process your loan application so you don't have any money to pay any of your bills. Before that, I went to the leasing office to ask to check my old mailbox in which I was certain that my school check was in. After they initially told me "no," I preceded to get in my car and cry like a baby. Believe me I am just as shocked as you are. I have not shed one tear since my nephew passed away back in March of this year. I ...