Don't Just Stand There, Do Something!

Have you ever read an article in a newspaper and it made you so mad that you start complaining about how it's wrong or the fact that nothing is being done about the situation? That is kind of how I feel. I will read an article online, then scroll down to the comments to see what everyone is saying. It is irritating that everyone can offer their "2 cents" but are pretty unwilling to do anything about the situation that it upsetting to them.
What is worse is when you read a comment that says that all hope is lost. I refuse to believe that.

Recently, my hometown has experienced some very unfortunate situations. Things that are not all that common in the small waterfront community. When something happens, word is spread like wildfire and everyone knows before the sun has fully risen. Everyone has something to say about it, myself included. Before you know it, you are consumed with opinions.

I think every person on this planet has the power and capability to make a difference whether in the world, in their community, or even in their own life. The question is, do you realize that you have this power? Do you know how much your words have an affect on people? Do you know that the more you complain about something the more negative it will impact people?  Instead of stewing and complaining about how bad it is, do something about it!

Don't just stand there like a spectator watching a game yelling at the television hoping it will change the outcome, GET UP AND DO SOMETHING! Plan, organize, and be active. If you want something to change whether in your life or the world, GET UP AND DO SOMETHING! Nothing ever gets accomplished by sitting on your duff waiting for someone else to do the dirty work. Put your boots and gloves on and get out there and pitch in yourself.

So there is MY two cents. Get up, stand up and be motivated to make a change. It doesn't matter how big or small the change is because it only takes a spark to ignite a flame.


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