Watch for Spiders

So today I had the pleasure of killing three spiders. Just to fill you in, I HATE spiders. They are creepy and they totally freak me out. These were not your normal run of the mill spiders. No, they were huge brown striped spiders. Two of them took over my balcony, and the third spider, I believe, made a nice little nest to lay eggs. Needless to say, I called my mom in a panic. I kept thinking, "I need a man!" My dad, my brothers, or a boyfriend I don't care just someone ELSE to take care of this problem.

The only male in my household is my cat Starbucks and he probably would sniff it and then played with it. Alas, my mom said to grab something with bleach and I got my Mr. Clean bathroom cleaner until I realized that earlier this year I bought a bug barrier spray from Raid.  I was spraying those suckers and drenching my new patio furniture and they didn't seem the least bit phased. Of course, they left and havent returned. THANK GOD!

Who or what in your life has invaded your space and threatened your life? Not that those pesky spiders threatened my life, but just their very existance was enough of one. At any rate,  without warning, something or someone sneaks into your life and tries to dominate you. So my question is, are you going to let it? Sometimes our journey in life is going to get invaded. To be honest, at times we let people or circumstances into our lives and they will take us for a ride.

Don't let bad influences or the opinions of others invade your life. Yes, I am terrified of spiders. However, I did what needed to be done. I got rid of them. Life is too precious and too fragile to not take action. We need to be vigilant and not let anything deter us from our goals in life. If I had let my emotions overtake me, I probably would never go out on my balcony again. Instead, I took action.

I hope you will take a good look at yourself and evaluate the things or people in life that are invaders. As hard and terrifying as it can be, you must take action and do what is right not just what is easy or comfortable. You deserve to have the best life, so don't let something as silly as a spider invade it.


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