Are YOU Your Own Hurricane?
On Saturday, August 28, 2011, I spent most of the day working and watching the weather map on waiting for the dreaded Irene to get here. I kept a vigilant eye on the radar map and the big green circular blob going up the coast. A Hurricane typically brings strong winds, rain, and causes tons of damage. Once the hurricane is gone, we are left with the task of cleaning the destruction it left behind. As a result, I began to ponder how many if us cause our own hurricane. This life can present itself with many challenges, but my question is how many of those challenges are self inflicted? What decisions, actions, and attitudes cause a hurricane in our life? Our choices today determines what we do tomorrow. So if your life stinks right now, blaming other people, places, or things isn't the best way to solve your problem. Complaining and having a bad attitude just makes everything seem worse. Take charge of your life by owning up to your mistakes, learning from...