Be a Verb
Verb - from the Latin verbum meaning word , is a word ( part of speech ) that in syntax conveys an action ( bring , read , walk , run , learn ), or a state of being ( be , exist , stand ). A verb has two meanings; One, it is an action and two, it is a state of being. I don't think it is enough to just "be" or "exist," you need to be in action and take action in your life. A few posts ago I stated that when I turned 18, I thought my life would take me places. Well, you can't go anywhere in life if you don't take action. I spent most of my 20's waiting for my life to start. Silly me, life doesn't wait for you. Time goes by so fast and we only have one life to make a difference. You need to be a verb and take action in all you do. It isn't enough to think about a change or to wish for things to be different, you have to DO something. You have the power within yourself to be all that you have ever hoped or even dared to dream. Thomas Jef...